PR Services Mediana

PR Services by Mediana

Your personality and brand will be on everybody’s lips!

Developing your idea from thoughts to a brilliant result. That’s what our PR department offers to you. We work with all industries and directions to make your image impeccable and business prosperous.

What are PR Services in brief?

Of course, you know that your most productive ideas will remain just words without publicity. Make your name known and make your brand popular. The possibilities of PR specialists are more than covering your activities. This is a full-fledged strategic work that gives results quickly, efficiently, and several steps ahead of competitors. These are the kind of public relations services you’ll get at Mediana Agency.

What do we do to make your idea work?

The list of Mediana’s PR services includes the following options:

Analysing your project and providing an audit in advance.

Our analytics will focus on what you have and what perspectives your project has to choose the right direction in its promotion.

Drawing out a custom creative strategy for your project/blog.

We create a strategy to gain overwhelming results for you. Each business and personality is unique, so our approach is customised for your goals and specifics.

Comprehensive competitors analyses.

We thoroughly inspect the activities your competitors provide to highlight the pros and cons of each of them.

Target audience research.

Defining the audience is the cornerstone of a business idea. Get your targeted audience selected precisely to create a win-win project.

Growth strategy and a content plan for its implementation.

We offer you a complete toolset to gain the results you need in step-by-step guidance.

Development of your brand’s identity for a website/social media pages.

We’ll analyse and create a layout that will highlight your brand accurately, making it popular and recognisable.

Advertising & Promotion Strategy.

Get an efficient brand/blog promotion strategy and launch successful advertising campaigns.

The development of your social media business pages.

We’ll do our best to make you a popular social networks personality. Your pages will be a Mecca for your customers, including potential ones.

Cross-posting to multiple social media platforms.

Do not stick to a single social network! We’ll create the concept of content to publish it on multiple platforms at once.

Sales funnel development.

We know how to attract customers, to engage and retain them with an effective sales funnel.

Constant analysis and monitoring of competitors.

We’ll keep your competitors under the radar to be ahead of them.

Dealing with opinion leaders and social media marketing tools.

We will organise an effective giveaway and advertising from famous bloggers for you. The most effective techniques and tools will promote your ideas on social networks.

SMM services and business page administration.

Our managers will conduct all the interactions with your audience to create a positive image.

Want to get the most effective Consulting set for your PR Promotion?

We have special offers for you!
Enjoy our packs and get it all at once!

Basic Plan

From 1999 Euros

  • Analysing your project and providing an audit in advance.
  • Drawing out a custom creative strategy for your project.
  • Comprehensive competitors’ analyses.
  • Target audience research.
  • Growth strategy and a content plan for its implementation.
  • Development of your brand’s identity for a website/social media pages.
  • Ads & Promos Strategy + 3 ads campaigns included.
  • The development of your social media pages.

Apply to the purchase of a package, and we will contact you to clarify all the details.

Advanced Plan

From 2999 Euros

  • Analysing your project and providing an audit in advance.
  • Drawing out a custom creative strategy for your project.
  • Comprehensive competitors’ analyses.
  • Target audience research.
  • Growth strategy and a content plan for its implementation.
  • Development of your brand’s identity for a website/social media pages.
  • Ads & Promos Strategy + 6 ads campaigns included.
  • The development of your social media pages.
  • Cross-posting to multiple social media platforms.
  • Sales funnel development.
  • Constant analysis and monitoring of competitors.

+ 3 free consultations during the project included!

Apply to the purchase of a package, and we will contact you to clarify all the details.

Expertise Plan

From 3999 Euros

  • Analysing your project and providing an audit in advance.
  • Drawing out a custom creative strategy for your project.
  • Comprehensive competitors’ analyses.
  • Target audience research.
  • Growth strategy and a content plan for its implementation.
  • Development of your brand’s identity for a website/social media pages.
  • Ads & Promos Strategy + 6 ads campaigns included.
  • The development of your social media business pages.
  • Cross-posting to multiple social media platforms.
  • Sales funnel development.
  • Constant analysis and monitoring of competitors.
  • Dealing with opinion leaders and social media marketing tools (giveaways, blogger’s ads, Instagram stories+frames development included).
  • SMM services and business page administration.

+ 24/7 consulting and support throughout the whole project time frame included.

Apply to the purchase of a package, and we will contact you to clarify all the details.


We understand that you may need custom services!

Customise your experience with Mediana Agency! Get only the services you need with no extra costs!

Choose the list of services you want to get from Mediana.

Analysing your project and providing an audit in advance €500
Drawing out a custom creative strategy for your business €700
Comprehensive competitors’ analyses €300
Growth strategy and a content plan for its implementation €600
Development of your brand’s identity for a website/social media pages €850
Ads & Promos Strategy + 2 ads campaigns included €1200
The development of your social media business pages €1500
Cross-posting to multiple social media platforms €20/one
Sales funnel development €700
Constant analysis and monitoring of competitors €350
Preliminary consultation by our PR pros €250 /hour
Next consultations €200 /hour
Dealing with opinion leaders and social media marketing tools From €500 Order
SMM services and business page administration From €100 Order
    • 500 €
    • 700 €
    • 300 €
    • 600 €
    • 850 €
    • 1200 €
    • 1500 €
    • 20 €
    • 700 €
    • 350 €
    • 250 €
    • 200 €

Total: €0

You may also be interested in our special web development services to get your perfect website!

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Or just fill in the form below to get contacted by the Mediana team!